FILM-INFR Number of cinemas and screens by country (2016-2020)
Number of cinema sites, screens, digital screens and digital 3D screens by country. Number of inhabitants per screen.
MAR-EU The audiovisual market in EUR - By country (2016-2020)
The audiovisual market in the EU - Breakdown by country.
PLAY-PSB Radio-TV licence fee and revenues per inhabitant of public radio-television companies (2020)
Radio-TV licence fee and revenues per inhabitant of public radio-television companies in the European Union by inhabitants
MAR-AD Advertising expenditures by media in Europe (2016-2020)
Breakdown of advertising expenditures by media in Europe
FILM-TOP Top 50 films by admissions in Europe (2020)
Top 50 films by admissions in Europe: by country of origin of films, Total of admissions by film and country in 20120
FILM-PRI Average cinema ticket price (2016-2020)
Average cinema ticket price in national currency and in Euros.
PLAY-DIS The 40 leading distribution companies in Europe by operating revenues (2015-2020)
40 leading distribution companies in Europe by operating revenues. In EUR and local currencies.
MAR-PUB Funding of the public audiovisual sector in Europe (2015-2020)
Revenues of public television by countries and breakdown by categories of resources.
OD-REV Consumer revenues for on-demand services (2016-2020)
Consumer revenues for SVOD, TV VOD Retail and TVOD rental
PLAY-PROD The 40 leading production companies in Europe by operating revenues (2015-2020)
40 leading production companies in Europe by operating revenues. In EUR and local currencies.
PLAY-LOC Regional and local television companies revenues (2015-2020)
Operating revenues of regional and local television in the European Union - EUR
PLAY-GLOB The worldwide 50 leading audiovisual companies by audiovisual turnover (2015-2020)
The 50 worldwide leading audiovisual companies by audiovisual turnover - Euro and Local currencies
TV-AUD Daily audience market share of public television (1999-2020)
TV-AUD Daily audience market share of public television channels
TV-AUD Average television viewing per person in Europe (2015-2020)
Average television viewing in Europe.
PLAY-EU The 100 leading television and radio groups in Europe (2015-2020)
PLAY-EU the 100 leading television and radio groups in Europe by operating revenues - EUR and Local currencies
PLAY-PSB The 50 leading European public radio-television companies (2015-2020)
The 50 leading European public radio-television companies: Activities, Revenues
DIS-CAB Households subscribing to cable in Europe (2016-2020)
Households subscribing to cable in Europe
DIS-SAT Number of satellite pay TV subscribers in Europe (2016-2020)
Number of satellite pay TV subscribers in Europe
DIS-SAT Digital DTH satellite households (free and pay) in Europe (2016-2020)
DTH satellites households in Europe
Summary document
Country document
Pan european document
Methodology document